Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

ADA Main

Accessibility Guidelines

Everglades University (EU) is committed to providing a web site that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of ability or means of access. Please be aware that our efforts to provide an accessible web site are ongoing. If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to specify the web page at issue in your email or communication to us and we will take reasonable efforts to address your concern.

Please also notify Jared Bezet, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Disability Services Coordinator, who is responsible for the coordination of accommodations and services for students with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. To understand how to request assistance, identify EU policies, or follow instructions to file a formal complaint under Section 504, download a copy of our ADA Accessibility and Disability Services Guide .

Everglades University Students with Disabilities Rights and Responsibilities

Students with disabilities at Everglades University have a right to:

  • Reasonable and effective accommodations according to their disability based on sufficient documentation
  • Equal access to educational and co-curricular programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through Everglades University
  • Treatment that reflects respect and dignity
  • Treatment that is fair and equal received by other students
  • Confidentiality in all parts of their documentation and academic records
  • Information reasonably available in accessible formats

Students with disabilities at EU have the responsibility to:

  • Understand that they are to initiate services with EU
  • Provide appropriate documentation of their disability to their respective campus president/dean according to the criteria listed in this manual
  • Understand that they are to request accommodations in a timely manner to ensure that they are in place as soon as possible
  • Understand that they are able to make a request for accommodations at any time during their tenure at EU
  • Work in collaboration with their campus president, dean, and/or with the chairperson of the Accommodations Review Committee (ARC) to determine reasonable accommodations if needed
  • Advocate for themselves and monitor their own progress, and to alert their Campus Vice-President, Dean, or Academic Advisor as soon as possible if they need assistance with accommodation-related issues
  • Meet with the Campus Vice-President, dean and faculty regarding accommodations
  • Abide by the EU Catalog’s policies on academic integrity

Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Policies

Equal Access to Education

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 state that qualified students with disabilities who meet the technical and academic standards at Everglades University may be entitled to reasonable accommodations. Under these laws a disability is defined as any physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity. To this end, Everglades University is committed to providing equal access to education by removing unnecessary barriers to enhance each student’s ability to demonstrate his or her academic abilities. Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) reinforced the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act and extended coverage to the private sector with the extension of access into all aspects of campus life, including communications and other privileges and advantages by requiring that all public facilities, services and communications be accessible to persons with disabilities and that auxiliary aids and services be provided unless such provisions place an undue hardship upon an institution.

Who is Considered Disabled under the Law?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 504, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (e.g. walking, sitting, breathing, learning, working, sleeping, etc.). This law also requires an individualized assessment of each case to determine whether or not a disability exists. The University is not required to evaluate students or pay for such an evaluation.  It is a student’s responsibility to provide adequate documentation and request adjustments/accommodations and services. The   University has the right to establish professional criteria to be used in reviewing the documentation.

Reasonable Accommodation

“Reasonable accommodation” is the term used by Section 504 for modifications made to an environment which eliminate or decrease, to a reasonable degree, structural and/or learning barriers which a student might encounter due to his or her disability. The law does not require that students with a disability be given “special” advantages that place them in a better position to succeed than their classmates. Reasonable adjustments/accommodations are made to put students with a disability in the same starting position as their nondisabled classmates. Nevertheless, an academic institution is not required to fundamentally alter the nature of its academic program in order to accommodate students.

Everglades University is committed to providing access to all of its programs, activities and services and will either remove physical barriers or enhance access in other ways to enable qualified students with disabilities to participate in such endeavors. 

University Commitment and Support


Everglades University is committed to providing equality of opportunity to students with disabilities through a supportive academic and social environment.  Faculty and students work together in partnership to determine students’ needs and attempt to see that those needs are met.

A student who self-identifies as a person with a disability requiring auxiliary aids/academic adjustments to any staff or faculty member at any time should be referred to the Campus Vice President and the University’s Section 504 Disability Services Coordinator for assistance.

Adherence to this policy will ensure that these students obtain the appropriate information and if desired by the student, initiate the formal process for receipt of auxiliary aids and academic adjustments. The auxiliary aids and academic adjustments are provided at no cost to students with disabilities.


Everglades University complies with Title III of the ADA, requiring that no qualified person with disabilities will be excluded from participating in or being denied the benefits of the services or activities of Everglades University due to the nature of a disability. Everglades University complies with Section 504 requiring that no qualified person with a disability will be excluded by reason of the disability from enrolling in a course of instruction. Students wishing to avail themselves of special adjustments/accommodations under Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act may disclose special needs at time of enrollment or any time during their enrollment in Everglades University.

For physically challenged students, Everglades University campuses are either located on ground level or have appropriate elevator service with ramps and designated parking to facilitate easy entry. Restrooms are equipped with wide doorways and bars to ensure wheelchair accessibility.

The following individual is Everglades University’s Section 504 Disability Services Coordinator (DSC):

Jared Bezet
Vice President of Academic Affairs Office of the President
5002 T-Rex Avenue, Suite 100
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Tel: (561) 912-1211
[email protected]

Students with Disabilities Complaint Policy

A student who feels they he/she has not been treated fairly under Everglades University’s stated federal policies has the right to file a written complaint. A complaint should be submitted to the President of the campus.  These procedures apply only to complaints received in writing.

  • A complaint is submitted in person, by U.S. mail, or by fa Complaints may not be submitted by email. Complaints should be dated.
  • Within 10 business days after acknowledging receipt of the disability complaint, the Campus Vice President will inform the complainant regarding the institutional response to the written complaint.
  • A student has the right to file a grievance with Everglades University in the event that a student believes the University has not followed its policies. The grievance procedures are described in the Everglades University Catalog.


Everglades University expects students with disabilities to take an active role in communicating their needs, as they can best describe their strengths and weaknesses. It is important that students inform the University of their situations at the time of enrollment or as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to make necessary arrangements. Please note that in order to be eligible for requesting adjustments/ accommodations, the applicant must have successfully completed all parts of the enrollment process and paid the associated enrollment fees. However, if the applicant raises questions regarding the adjustment/accommodation paperwork/ process prior to completing the enrollment process and payment of the enrollment fees, the applicant will be directed to speak with the Campus Vice President. Reviewing documentation and arranging for appropriate adjustments/ accommodations takes time, and a delay in following through can result in a delay in receipt of adjustments/accommodations.

Sources and Forms of Documentation

Documentation is critical in determining suitable adjustments/ accommodations.  It is an individual student’s responsibility to identify her- or himself as a person with a disability and to provide the University with diagnostic documentation of the disability from an appropriately licensed professional.  The documentation should demonstrate how the disability limits the student’s ability to participate in an academic setting, must clearly outline the accommodation or academic adjustment requested, must be included as part of the application, and must be submitted to the Campus Vice President for verification. This documentation is provided to the Accommodations Review Committee before an adjustment/accommodation is provided. For the detailed outline of specific documentation required by Everglades University, please go to the Criteria for Disability Documentation section of the EU Accessibility and Disability Services Guide. Please note that Everglades University’s process and criteria for determining accommodations may not be the same as practiced by other institutions or entities.

Acceptable sources of documentation for substantiating a student’s disability and request for particular accommodations:

Student’s Self Report

The student is a vital source of information regarding how he or she may be “limited by impairment.” A student’s narrative of his or her experience of disability, barriers, and effective and ineffective accommodations is an important tool which may be sufficient for establishing disability and a need for accommodation. This narrative may be provided on the Request for Adjustments/Accommodations Form .


Information from External or Third Parties

Diagnostic documentation of the disability from an appropriately licensed professional.  The documentation should demonstrate how the disability limits the student’s ability to participate in an academic setting, must clearly outline the accommodation or academic adjustment requested, and must be submitted to the Campus Vice President for verification.

Accommodations Review Committee (ARC)

The ARC includes the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Campus Vice President, and Dean of Academic Affairs.  Committee members are appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The ARC will have access to all of the documentation pertaining to the student’s request for adjustments/accommodations. Everglades University’s Accommodations Review Committee will engage in an interactive process with the student regarding what accommodations/academic adjustments are needed.  The student will be contacted prior to the ARC determination to ensure that the student is involved in the process that determines what services, if any, the student is to receive.

The student will receive written notification of the decision reached by the ARC within 5 business days of receipt of the student’s signed and dated forms requesting accommodation or adjustment. The student will receive the approved accommodation or adjustment within 5 business days* of the ARC’s decision. This established procedure is to ensure proper and timely disbursement of auxiliary aids and/or academic adjustments to students with disabilities.

*Students are provided the approved accommodation or adjustment following the ARC meeting, unless specialized accommodation/adjustment/equipment needs to be ordered and received by the student or University, not to exceed 30 business days. In the interim the University will provide alternative reasonable supplemental or substitute accommodations where possible to the student pending receipt of the specialized accommodations or equipment.  Every effort will be made to provide the approved accommodation or adjustment as expeditiously as possible.

 Confidentiality and Information Release

Everglades University is committed to ensuring that all disability information regarding a student is maintained as confidential as required or permitted by law. In most instances, the University will not inform Faculty members as to the nature of a student’s disability unless it is necessary for providing appropriate adjustments/ accommodations or in order to protect the health and safety of the student and/or others. Faculty is informed of necessary or appropriate adjustments/ accommodations needed to meet a student’s disability-related needs. A student may give written authorization for the release of diagnostic documentation if he or she wishes to share it with others.

In addition to the usual adjustments/accommodations provided by faculty, the University reserves the right to release supplementary information should there be a need to know. Some common need-to-know scenarios include, but are not limited to:

  • a request for a course substitution
  • the safety of the student and/or others
  • grievance cases
  • special financial aid considerations