Safety and Security

Staff & Faculty Emergency Procedure

Safety, Security and Well Being

Important campus safety, security and well-being information.

The campus takes various precautionary measures to protect the students, staff, faculty and campus visitors. Nevertheless, unavoidable emergencies may occur at extreme situations. Therefore, each campus has a Campus Response Team (CRT) that implements and oversees the campus response to a crisis situation. CRT members serve as the Campus Security Authority (CSA). The CRT receives training in dealing with crisis situations and will primarily direct the immediate response to a crisis situation until the arrival of law enforcement and emergency response personnel.

In order to make this program effective, please familiarize yourself with the following emergency procedures.

Nothing herein precludes any student, staff or faculty from contacting the appropriate authorities directly in the event they feel in threat of physical harm or imminent danger.

*** In case of emergency – dial 911***


Department of Homeland Security:

Emergency Evacuation for Bomb Threat or Other Non Fire Situation

Non fire emergency evacuation is used for any emergency evacuation not related to a fire incident. It is important to remember that evacuation distances significantly expand, up to hundreds of yards, for suspicious object evacuations.  Nevertheless, not all Bomb threats will result in evacuation.

The objective – move all campus occupants to a remote, predefined and controlled location.

Staff Response
Team members who are designated to sweep evacuation routes and sites should locate a staff member to take responsibility for students under their supervision, and should then sweep the evacuation route and evacuation site for secondary hazards. They should immediately report their findings to the lead administrator.

Note: The lead administrator will typically direct that this step be completed before making the general announcement for evacuation of the building.

Other Staff:

  1. Gather all students and visitors in your area of responsibility and evacuate using the route and site designated by the lead administrator or designee.
  2. Ensure that all special needs persons are provided assistance by their designees as per the site evacuation plan.
  3. Remain alert to your surroundings. Be particularly alert to any people or conditions that might pose a danger to evacuees. If you encounter a significant hazard, quickly evaluate the situation; adjust your evacuation route and attempt to notify the lead administrator or the appropriate public safety officials.
  4. Once you reach the designated evacuation site, search site for suspicious objects and adjust accordingly.
  5. On evacuation site- develop a written list of all evacuees and provide the list to the lead administrator or his \ her designee. Also indicate the presence or lack of any suspicious objects in your room/work area.
  6. Supervise students under your care.
  7. Do not attempt to reenter the facility unless the lead administrator or his \ her designee directs you to do so.

Emergency Lockdown

Emergency Lockdown is used to dramatically and rapidly enhance the level of security in the facility. By locking all exterior, interior and class doors, staff can make it more difficult for dangerous person(s) in the vicinity or in the facility to gain access to staff and students.

Note: Locking doors should not eliminate immediate egress possibilities from the facility.

The objective- create as many physical layers of separation between you and the potential aggression.

Staff Response

  1. Make sure entrance points to the building near your location are locked immediately.
  2. If you are located in an area with a door that can be locked, gather all students in the vicinity into the room and lock the door.
  3. Improvise additional door blocking if possible.
  4. Close blinds and close additional windows with shirt, turned table, paper, etc.
  5. Turn off lights in the room.
  6. If possible, report your status to the lead administrator or designee by telephone or intercom.
  7. Do not open the door for people claiming to be public safety personnel unless you have an opportunity to view photo identification or are instructed to do so by a staff member whom you recognize.

External Lockdown

External lockdown creates a physical layer of security between the internal and external dimensions of the campus. By locking all exterior doors and supervising these doors, staff can make it more difficult for a possible external intruder or a potentially dangerous person in the vicinity of the facility to gain access to staff and students. This lockdown allows staff and students to continue with productive activities while maintaining access control to the facility.

Objective – create a physical layer of security between the external environment and internal campus operation while elevating the overall level of security.

Staff Response

  1. Make sure the designated entrance points to the building near your location are locked immediately.
  2. If you are in an external classroom to the main building move students to alternative internal classrooms.
  3. If possible, report your status to the lead administrator or designee by telephone or intercom.
  4. Continue with normal activities as much as the situation allows.
  5. If students or staff have a need to move about in the building, obtain permission first from the lead administrator or designee.
  6. Be prepared to rapidly implement an emergency evacuation or emergency lockdown –if directed to do so or if circumstances indicate you should do so.

Shelter in Place

Sheltering in place procedures are traditionally utilized when:

  • A tornado has been spotted.
  • There has been a chemical or biological incident outside of, but in proximity to, a facility and available information indicates that there is no adequate time to evacuate building occupants to a safe location before the dangerous contaminants reach the facility.

Objective – seek immediate shelter away from doors and windows and remain there during an emergency.

Staff Response

  1. All staff who are outdoors should quickly gather all students and adults in the area and instruct them to go inside the facility immediately. Once inside, if possible instruct everyone to move to an interior area without windows and doors.
  2. Close all windows and doors.
  3. In chemical spills / biological incident – if available, use tape to cover all windows and doors with sheets of plastic to help reduce airflow into the area. Wet towels can be used to reduce airflow under doors. Close all outside air vents. Turn off all heating or ventilation systems. Use damp towels or cloths to cover any openings in walls or doors. Tape can also be used to cover any cracks, crevices, electrical outlets, cable television connections or other openings that might allow air to flow into the shelter area.
  4. Listen to local radio or television news for instructions from emergency management and public safety officials.
  5. Review emergency evacuation protocols